Education Concepts in Science and Biology Teachers Training

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Vasessa Aina Person
Roque Ismael da Costa Güllich


This research aimed to analyze the teaching concepts present in the logbook narratives of Science and Biology teachers who participate in an ongoing education group. From the narrative content analysis, three teaching concepts were identified: Technique, Practice and Criticism. The results show that those teachers who have a technical teaching concept model, search – in ongoing education – ready-made recipes on how to solve teaching related problems; on the other hand, teachers with practical and critical teaching conceptions are able to establish meaningful changes in their ways of thinking / conceiving education through the investigation of their own actions. They become independent and aware of Science and Biology teaching processes, as well as of their own academic education.


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How to Cite
Person, V. A., & da Costa Güllich, R. I. (2016). Education Concepts in Science and Biology Teachers Training. Journal of Biology Education, 19(2), (pp. 27–41).
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