The Scientific Legacy of the Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo: An Interinstitutional and Interdisciplinary Proposal for the Teaching of the Natural Sciences with a Focus on Human Rights inary proposal for the teaching of the natural sciences with a focus on human rights

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Ana Valentina Basso
Daniela Nottaris


The work of the Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo is an emblematic case of a human rights problem, which challenged the scientific community to provide technical answers and contribute to the restitution of identity in appropriated minors. Based on this scientific legacy, an interinstitutional and interdisciplinary extension project was implemented between the university institutions, secondary school and the Plaza de Mayo Grandmothers Association. This meant that the teachers horizontally agreed on activities relating history, biology, chemistry and art with the aim of contextualizing and giving new meaning to scientific practices and in particular the school laboratory. The contributions of this project were: the inclusion of artistic language to contribute to the debate on the construction of science in tension with its historical context. The students, through an evaluative survey, mentioned the need to work on this aspect, prior to natural science activities.

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How to Cite
Basso, A. V., & Nottaris, D. (2024). The Scientific Legacy of the Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo: An Interinstitutional and Interdisciplinary Proposal for the Teaching of the Natural Sciences with a Focus on Human Rights inary proposal for the teaching of the natural sciences with a focus on human rights. Journal of Biology Education, 27(2).

How to Cite

Basso, A. V., & Nottaris, D. (2024). The Scientific Legacy of the Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo: An Interinstitutional and Interdisciplinary Proposal for the Teaching of the Natural Sciences with a Focus on Human Rights inary proposal for the teaching of the natural sciences with a focus on human rights. Journal of Biology Education, 27(2).


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