The Problem of Chagas Disease in the Training of Biomedical Sciences Professionals at the National University of Río Cuarto: A Study of Conceptions and Practices

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Isabel Cecilia Pastorino


Currently, Chagas disease is no longer a rural and exclusively Latin American reality, but has become an urban and global problem Although it continues to be one of the most important public health issues in Latin America, the training of biomedical professionals on this subject is insufficient. In this work we carried out a contextualized study with teachers and students of the careeers of Biology, Nursing, Veterinary Medicine, and Microbiology at the National University of Río Cuarto (UNRC). This research analyzes student conceptions and current teaching practices at the UNRC with the purpose of contributing to the improvement of biomedical students training on Chagas disease.

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How to Cite
Pastorino, I. C. (2023). The Problem of Chagas Disease in the Training of Biomedical Sciences Professionals at the National University of Río Cuarto: A Study of Conceptions and Practices . Journal of Biology Education, 26(2), 136-141.

How to Cite

Pastorino, I. C. (2023). The Problem of Chagas Disease in the Training of Biomedical Sciences Professionals at the National University of Río Cuarto: A Study of Conceptions and Practices . Journal of Biology Education, 26(2), 136-141.


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