Evolution of alternative ideas of a group of Portuguese high school students on photosynthesis and cellular respiration

Main Article Content

Paula Domingos Grillo
Vicente Mellado
Constantino Ruiz


Thc alternauvc  ideas of thc studcnts and his cvolution  throughout  thcir acadcmic lifc constirutc a prepon- deran! aspcct  that determines  tbc wholc lcaming. Thcrcfore, his dcrcction and analysis can contributc  de- cisivcly to a cognitivc  rcstructuration that lcads to a significant  leaming. In this work wc dctcctcd  sorne alternativo ideas of thc siudcnts on pbctosynthcsis and ccllular rcspiration  and his cvolution  is also analy- sed along thc sccondary  cducation  in a sehool of Portugal.


Article Details

How to Cite
Domingos Grillo, P., Mellado, V., & Ruiz, C. (2004). Evolution of alternative ideas of a group of Portuguese high school students on photosynthesis and cellular respiration. Journal of Biology Education, 7(1), 10-20. https://doi.org/10.59524/2344-9225.v7.n1.36623
Fundamentos e Investigaciones

How to Cite

Domingos Grillo, P., Mellado, V., & Ruiz, C. (2004). Evolution of alternative ideas of a group of Portuguese high school students on photosynthesis and cellular respiration. Journal of Biology Education, 7(1), 10-20. https://doi.org/10.59524/2344-9225.v7.n1.36623

