Augmented Reality and Playfulness in the Teaching of Cellular Structure

Main Article Content

Ruth Janice Guse Schadeck
Jair Pontes


Cells and subcellular structures are abstract and complex subjects, and often difficult to be understood by students who are visually stimulated and  have a high level of ICT knowledge and skills. Considering these characteristics, and the fact that visualization facilitates learning in cell biology, the main objective of this paper is to describe a classroom experience using augmented reality for cell visualization through an app for smartphones. This methodology had a playful characteristic and stimulated student enthusiasm and participation. The evaluation of the app by the students was very positive. Furthermore, we argue that the use of digital educational objects through mobile phones may contribute to learning about cellular structure, a very complex subject.

Article Details

How to Cite
Guse Schadeck, R. J., & Pontes, J. (2021). Augmented Reality and Playfulness in the Teaching of Cellular Structure. Journal of Biology Education, 24(2), 123-136.
Author Biography

Ruth Janice Guse Schadeck, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Estado do Paraná, Brasil.

Sou professora de Biologia Celular, do departamento de Biologia Celular, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Estado do Paraná, Brasil. Meu foco de interesse são as  metodologias de ensino sobre estrutura e função celular.

How to Cite

Guse Schadeck, R. J., & Pontes, J. (2021). Augmented Reality and Playfulness in the Teaching of Cellular Structure. Journal of Biology Education, 24(2), 123-136.


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