Would the south be possible? Teaching biology when it is believed that nothing can be done

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Noelia Postec
Marina Mateu


A pedagogical experience carried out in one of the schools called ZAP (Schools of Priority Action Zones) of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires is described in this article. This experience was developed by a trainee and her professor of Biology Didactics. The activities proposed to the students of first year of said school, related to the content "classification of living beings", were especially thought in the framework of the "situated teaching" model.

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How to Cite
Postec, N., & Mateu, M. (2009). Would the south be possible? Teaching biology when it is believed that nothing can be done. Journal of Biology Education, 11(2), 43-47. https://doi.org/10.59524/2344-9225.v11.n2.23066
Experiencias Áulicas

How to Cite

Postec, N., & Mateu, M. (2009). Would the south be possible? Teaching biology when it is believed that nothing can be done. Journal of Biology Education, 11(2), 43-47. https://doi.org/10.59524/2344-9225.v11.n2.23066