Trombofilia - Estado actual


  • Carlos Sanchez Carpio Hospital Nacional de Clinicas
  • Eduardo Rodi Hospital Nacional de Clínicas
  • Pablo Piola Hospital Nacional de Clinicas
  • María Fernanda Piola Hospital Nacional de Clínicas



Trombofilia, Coagulation, Diagnostic


Background: The trombofilia s tates are a spceial tendency to vein thrombosis that are habitually presented in young people and often they are recurrent. 'l'heir more transcendent eonsecluences are the Lung Tromboerribolismo and the Syndrome Post-trombótieo. Objectives: Keeping in miel the pathologies of the clotting that can produce trombofilia states in young patients, the prevalenee of these processes vas evaluated in patient with post-trombotic severc synclrome. Location: Department of Flebología aocI Linfologia of the National Hospital of Clinical, Córdoba. Materials and methods: During the period March of 2001 te) March of 2002 they converged lo the consultation ílehológica 635 patients, of those which six of theui. 3 men aocI 3 wornen smaller than 45 veai- s, they prescntcd severe dysfunctions of thc conpatihle veined return with squares postroniboticos. The age 39 year-old average (r: 29-45); These pat.ients were studied by rneans of routine elinic ccodoppler veined color and specifir analysis of laboratory like (he Resistanee lo (he Protejo activated C. Protejo C. Protcin S, Antibodics antifosfolípídos. Antitronibina III, Homocisieincwia. Results: Anomalous values were obtained lo ihe biological profile of (he laboratorv in 3 patients; (he clinical correlatiori and of (he laboratory it was ihe foliowing one: positive for prolein C aoci Protcin S; Positive for antibodies antifosfolípidos: ami positive for hipeiliomocisteinernia. Conclusions: tlie neccssarv laboratory studics shoulcl be praised (o cliseard thrombofilic states in patierit smaller (han 45 vears ihat preseni a firsi thrombosis cpisode or any patient thai has presented recurreni thrombosis. It is iniportant lo stand out thai the earl' detection of thesc pathologies and (he opportun e d erivation (o (he hemal niogy, tliev allow (o establish a prevclitive treati ient and this way (o avoid thrombotic episodes with their respective complications

Author Biographies

  • Carlos Sanchez Carpio, Hospital Nacional de Clinicas

    Departamento de Flebología y Linfología-U.H. de Cirugía N° 2

  • Eduardo Rodi, Hospital Nacional de Clínicas

    Departamento de Flebología y Linfología-U.H. de Cirugía N° 2

  • Pablo Piola, Hospital Nacional de Clinicas

    Departamento de Flebología y Linfología-U.H. de Cirugía N° 2

  • María Fernanda Piola, Hospital Nacional de Clínicas

    Departamento de Flebología y Linfología-U.H. de Cirugía N° 2


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Original Papers

How to Cite

Trombofilia - Estado actual. Rev Fac Cien Med Univ Nac Cordoba [Internet]. 2004 Mar. 9 [cited 2024 Oct. 20];61(1):32-6. Available from:

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