Extra-pulmonary and pleural tuberculosis in patients non HIV, in tertiary hospital
tuberculosis; extrapulmonary; pleura tuberculosis; tertiary hospitalAbstract
We studied pulmonary and extra-pulnionaiy and pleural tuberculosis tuberculosis (TB)(EPPT) in HIV negative patients in a tertiary hospital. We retrospectively studied al¡ the in patients diagnosed EPPT over the last three years. Clinical data was obtained from the medical records. Forty four patients were diagnosed with TB. 15.9% (n=7) had extrapleural involvement. Mean age of patients was 44 years oid ( 18 to 74) and 5 patients were Argentinian, 1was Peruvian and 1 Bolivian. Three patients had pulmonary manifestations too. The most frequent location was in ganglions (3 cases). The clínica] symptoms were non-speciflc. The main symptoms and signs were related to the involved arca. The time to reaeh the diagnosis was 16 days, and it was done by biopsy results. The mean days of hospitalization was 44, and the mortality was 57% of the patients.
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