Risk of dental caries in pediatric asthmatic patients undergoing treatment with salbutamol and budesonide inhalation therapy, Peru
asthma, dental caries, metered dose inhalers, child, adolecentAbstract
Introduction: Asthma is related to caries but the risk factors are not completely determined. Therefore, the objective of the study was to determine the risk of dental caries in pediatric asthmatic patients in inhalation treatment with salbutamol and budesonide who went to the National Hospital Arzobispo Loayza.
Case-control study that consisted of 184 pediatric patients, between 5 and 12 years old, who attended the pneumology and pediatric dentistry service of the National Hospital Arzobispo Loayza during the years 2016-2017. The group of cases (n = 92) was composed of patients with moderate asthma medicated with inhaled salbutamol and budesonide, while the control group (n = 92) was composed of healthy patients. The risk of dental caries was evaluated with the dietary record, oral hygiene index and number of carious lesions.
The risk according to the type of cariogenic diet was moderate in both groups (p = 0.768). The oral hygiene index in the control group was regular in 63% (n = 58) and in the case group, bad in 60.9% (n = 56); p=0.001. The number of carious lesions in the control group was moderate in 50% (n = 46) and in the case group, high in 47.8% (n = 44); p = 0.001. Therefore, the risk of dental caries in the case group was high in 50% (n = 46) and in the control group it was moderate in 72.8% (n = 67); p = 0.001.
Conclusion: The risk of dental caries in asthmatic patients on inhaled therapy with salbutamol and budesonide is significantly higher than that of healthy patients.
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