Radiation treatment of early vocal cord carcinoma. Eighteen years experience at #instituto de Oncología y radioterapia de Mar del Plata"


  • Hernán Castro Vita Universidad Nacional de Córdoba - Facultad de Ciencias Médicas



Palabras clave:

Vocal cord carcinoma, radioterap in vocal coid tumors


A detailed retrospective analysis of 260 patients with T 1 NO MO vocal cord carcinoma traeted at "Instituto de Oncologia y Radioterapia de Mar del Plata' from 1967 fo 1985 vas performed. The niajority uf ilie patients were in the age range of 50 tu 79 years, and 79 ' were males. The overail observed three \ear tumor free survival was 85.3 1 \\]eii'survival rate was adjusted for interciirrent dis-'ase amid second primary tumor cleath, thc 3 ycar 1 umor free sur-¡val was 92</;. Sixty two percent of the patients (17/27) undcrgoing surgical salvage for recurrence, were controIlt d. Sccond primal-y tumors were seen in 1$ patients (6.9 ). It is emphasized fue iniportance of close follow np tu diagnose as early as posible both the vocal cord recurrencc and the sccond
pi'iflaiv 1 uniors.


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Biografía del autor/a

  • Hernán Castro Vita, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba - Facultad de Ciencias Médicas

    Unidad de Radioterapia Oncología e Hipertermía 


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Cómo citar

Castro Vita H. Radiation treatment of early vocal cord carcinoma. Eighteen years experience at #instituto de Oncología y radioterapia de Mar del Plata" . Rev Fac Cien Med Univ Nac Cordoba [Internet]. 1990 Nov. 15 [cited 2025 Mar. 3];48(1-2):33-8. Available from: https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/med/article/view/45115

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