Drones, Photogrammetry and Geographic Information Systems. Some Contributions to the Archaeology of Industrial Contexts

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Fernando Andrés Villar
N. Soledad Candelario
Javier Díaz


This paper is part of a series of investigations carried out at the Sitio Ingeno Lastenia (Cruz Alta Department, Tucumán, Argentina) during the last decade. On this occasion, we present the results obtained after the implementation of tools that in recent years have gained great relevance in archaeological research projects: drone surveys, digital photogrammetry, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Digital Elevation Models (DEM).

These applications contributed substantially to the preparation of the digital cartography of the site through the survey, documentation, digitization, georeferencing and processing of information inherent to the study area. The products obtained represent a complement of great relevance to investigate the past of the factory and the processes that took place in it.

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How to Cite
Drones, Photogrammetry and Geographic Information Systems. Some Contributions to the Archaeology of Industrial Contexts. (2022). Comechingonia. Revista De Arqueología, 27(1), 35-50. https://doi.org/10.37603/2250.7728.v27.n1.38136

How to Cite

Drones, Photogrammetry and Geographic Information Systems. Some Contributions to the Archaeology of Industrial Contexts. (2022). Comechingonia. Revista De Arqueología, 27(1), 35-50. https://doi.org/10.37603/2250.7728.v27.n1.38136


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