Representation of trans identity in POSE and Las Malas


  • Emilia Victoria Fossat Blessio Universidad Nacional de Córdoba


Trans women, Performativity, Heterosexual matrix, Gender, Identity


The following presentation will focus on the analysis of the audiovisual series POSE (2018) and the novel Las Malas (2019) by Camila Sosa Villada. In both cultural objects, experiences around trans identities are represented. Starting from the studies on performativity by Judith Butler and the theory of affects by Sara Ahmed, we will analyze how the identity construction is represented. We recognize the importance of affects and performativity in the constitution of both individual and collective identity in both objects, but the construction is very different and generates different notions.


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Ahmed, S. (2015). La política cultural de las emociones. Ciudad de México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.

Butler, J. (2007). El género en disputa. El feminismo y la subversión de la identidad. Barcelona: Paidós.

Butler, J. (2002). Críticamente subversiva. En R. M. Mérida Jiménez (Ed.), Sexualidades transgresoras. Una antología de estudios queer (pp. 55-80). Barcelona: Icaria editorial.

Livingston, J. (Dir.) (1990). Paris is Burning [documental]. Estados Unidos: Miramax, Off White Productions Inc, Prestige.

Macón, C. (2013). SENTIMUS ERGO SUMUS. El surgimiento del “giro afectivo” y su impacto sobre la filosofía política. Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofía Política, II(6), pp. 1-32.

Murphy, R., Falchuk, B. y Canals, S. (Dir.) (2018). POSE [serie]. Nueva York: FX.

Sosa Villada, C. (2019). Las Malas. Buenos Aires: Tusquets Editores.




