Spatial-temporal variations of diatom flora in Laguna de Los Pozuelos (Jujuy, Argentina).


  • Ana Lucía González Achem
  • Claudia Seeligmann
  • Mariela Alderete



Bacillariophyceae, Andean wetlands, flemish.


Spatial-temporal variations of diatom flora in Laguna de Los Pozuelos (Jujuy, Argentina). Pozuelos shallow lake is located at the northwest of the province of Jujuy (Argentina) at 3625 masl. It was designated as National Natural Monument and Wetland of International Importance (RAMSAR Convention). The aim of this study was to analyze the spatio-temporal variations of the diatom flora in relation to physicochemical variables and species of Phoenicopteridae. Samples were obtained during 4 field-trips between 2008 and 2010. A total of 116 infrageneric taxa were determined. Eighteen species had a frequency of occurrence greater than 50%, 34 were exclusive of the shallow lake, 32 were exclusive of the Cincel River (tributary of the shallow lake) and 39% were observed just once. Species richness was more variable in the shallow lake than in the river. The Redundancy Analysis (RDA) based on physico-chemical data and diatom composition allowed discriminating 3 main groups, which were mainly associated with temperature, salinity and pH. There were 31 new records for this aquatic environment and 18 new records for the province of Jujuy.


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How to Cite

González Achem, Ana Lucía, Claudia Seeligmann, and Mariela Alderete. 2014. “ Argentina)”. Boletín De La Sociedad Argentina De Botánica (Journal of the Argentine Botanical Society 49 (2):177-93.



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