Bryological diversity in the La Caoba and Charrascales de Mícara Managed Floristic Reserves (Santiago de Cuba, Cuba)




Cuba island, Insular Caribbean, non-vascular plant, plant conservation, Sierra Cristal


Background and aims: Bryological inventories in Cuban protected areas support the updating of management plans by inventorying species, detecting threats and designing actions for their conservation. The aim of this research is to characterize the bryoflora present in the Managed Floristic Reserves La Caoba and Charrascales de Mícara, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba.

M&M: In the collection of the specimens, suitable habitats for the establishment of the bryophytes were explored following the method of Floristic Habitat Sampling. Specialised literature and databases were consulted in the determination of taxa. All collected material was deposited in the Bryophyta collection of the BSC herbarium.

Results: For the Managed Floristic Reserves La Caoba and Charrascales de Mícara 49 infrageneric taxa of hornworts, liverworts and mosses were recorded. The La Caoba reserve was the most diverse (73.5% of the total) and mosses the best represented division (55.1%). The epiphytic substrate is the most diverse and the mesophyll semi-deciduous forest the best represented plant formation (83.3%). All threatened taxa were recorded in the La Caoba Managed Floristic Reserve.

Conclusions: In the Managed Floristic Reserves La Caoba and Charrascales de Mícara the bryoloflora is characterised by the presence of taxa with a wide ecological plasticity and geographical distribution. The conditions present in the Charrascales de Mícara reserve limit the development of bryophytes. The bryological diversity in La Caoba is threatened by habitat fragmentation due to landscape alterations.


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How to Cite

Rivera Queralta, Yoira, Ángel E. Motito Marín, and Alberto M. Beyris Mazar. 2024. “Bryological Diversity in the La Caoba and Charrascales De Mícara Managed Floristic Reserves (Santiago De Cuba, Cuba)”. Boletín De La Sociedad Argentina De Botánica (Journal of the Argentine Botanical Society 59 (2).


