Ethnobotany of the Creole from Argentinian Sub-humid Chaco II: Description and comparative diachronic analysis of the signification and management of their fodder plants




Chaco, criollos, ethnobotany, forage, livestock.


Background and aims: The knowledge about the forage plants of the “criollos” of the central-northern of the province of Chaco (Argentina), their forms of management and the extra-nutritional effects those have on their livestock, is studied.

M&M: Interviews recorded with 51 Creole residents during six campaigns carried out between 2017 and 2022 is used. The uses are described in their precise socio-cultural context of reference, and unpublished ethnobotanical data on the subject are compiled and updated with which a diachronic comparison is made with the current ones.

Results: A total of 624 ethnobotanical data is recorded on 185 types of forages corresponding to 143 wild or feral plant taxa and 11 exotic ones. A total of 31 ethnobotanical data were obtained regarding their foraging practices, as well as 34 about the extra-food effects of their ingestion. Only half of the total plants and types of forage recorded in the field were identical to those cited in unpublished historical sources on the subject for the same bio-cultural complex. In total 850 ethnobotanical data associated with 348 forage plants were recorded.

Conclusions: Knowledge about forage plants is embedded in a socio-cultural bias based on a differential valuation of the livestock that consumes them. This enormous volume of knowledge and appreciation of the native forest as a source of maintenance for its livestock reaffirms the high significance that its livestock activity has as a source of sustenance among Chaco’s creole people.


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How to Cite

Scarpa, Gustavo F. 2024. “Ethnobotany of the Creole from Argentinian Sub-Humid Chaco II: Description and Comparative Diachronic Analysis of the Signification and Management of Their Fodder Plants”. Boletín De La Sociedad Argentina De Botánica (Journal of the Argentine Botanical Society 59 (1).


