The medicinal Ethnobotanical heritage of the Huarpe Nation People (La Represita, San Luis, Argentina)




Ancestral knowledge, huarpes puntanos, medicinal plants,, native peoples, Ramsar site


Backgrounds and aims: The ethnobotanical heritage of the Huarpe community has not yet been documented, and could be lost. The objective of the work was to compile the medicinal ethnobotanical knowledge of the Huarpe Nation People of San Luis (Argentina) of the La Represita area, through dialogical meetings between the members of the community and the university. 

M&M: The fieldwork included semi-structured interviews and surveys of 31 residents, three workshops with the local educational community, and two meetings open ti the entire population. An analysis of the medicinal uses of local plant resources was carried out, which included the calculation of ethnobotanical indices: Relative frequency of citation, Fidelity level, Use Value and Novelty index.

Results: The number of taxa used by the inhabitants for medicinal purposes was 48 and the most used parts of the plants were the leaves and stems, mainly in the form of infusion. Through the calculation of ethnobotanical indices, it was obtained that the aromatic plants were particularly important as medicinal resources. Fourteen medicinal and three veterinary etic categories were registered, the most prominent being those related to human digestive and respiratory disorders.

Conclusions: Huarpe inhabitants of San Luis, and particularly women, treasure important knowledge about medicinal plants that are part of the actions of their daily life. For this reason, it is important to continue research through new studies that include the residents of the Huarpe Pinkanta community of San Luis.


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How to Cite

Moglia, Marta Matilde, Andrea Isaguirre, and María Alejandra Cangiano. 2023. “The Medicinal Ethnobotanical Heritage of the Huarpe Nation People (La Represita, San Luis, Argentina)”. Boletín De La Sociedad Argentina De Botánica (Journal of the Argentine Botanical Society 58 (4).


