Influence of social actors in the commercial circulation of plant species in fairs and markets of Córdoba city (Argentina) and its sorroundings




Agrobiodiversity, Agroecological producers, Fairs, Street vendors, Urban ethnobotany


Background and aims: The fairs and markets present in the cities are a sample of the biocultural heritage of a region. The objective of this work is to identify and characterize the social actors and the places of sale -in addition to determining their relationship with agrobiodiversity- in fairs and markets in the city of Córdoba and surroundings.

M&M: Based on participant observation, interviews with different degrees of structure, 30 municipal fairs (FM) and 5 agroecological fairs (FA) were visited. Species and product censuses were carried out. Variance analyzes and similarity indices (Sörensen) were carried out between the different points of sale.

Results: The social actors identified in the commercialization were, in FM, “feriantes” or “puesteros” (they manage 49 species, most of them exotic); in FA, “productores agroecológicos”, “distribuidores” and “elaboradores” (manage 49 species, mostly native). In addition, the presence of “vendedoras ambulantes” was identified (they offer 8 species of Andean tradition). The species have greater similarity between FM and FA than between fairs and “vendedoras ambulantes”.

Conclusions: The complementarity and differences between the fairs and the market depend on the characteristics of the social actors involved, the buyer/seller relationship, their botanical knowledge, personal, cultural and economic values that determine and influence the present agrobiodiversity; they all develop sales strategies that combine “tradition” and “innovation”. The different options in the markets favor the formation of a complex and dynamic urban botanical knowledge.


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How to Cite

Zamar, María Agustina, and Cecilia Trillo. 2022. “Influence of Social Actors in the Commercial Circulation of Plant Species in Fairs and Markets of Córdoba City (Argentina) and Its Sorroundings”. Boletín De La Sociedad Argentina De Botánica (Journal of the Argentine Botanical Society 57 (3).

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