Urban flower beds as a part of Bariloche’s biocultural landscape: species richness and management decisions





Municipality, neighbors, ornamental,, patagonia, use


Introduction: In urban areas, flower beds with ornamental species provide structure and color, attract pollinators, act as wildlife corridors, bring nature closer, and offer humans a fount of wellbeing. Depending on the selection criteria, urban flora can be a biodiversity reserve or a source for spreading invasive species.

Objectives: The species richness, life forms, botanical families, and origins of the plants used in Bariloche’s flower beds was estimated. 

M&M: The city of Bariloche lies within the Nahuel Huapi National Park and has multicultural characteristics. In total, 1,120 sidewalk flower beds were studied; 560 under municipal management and 560 managed by the neighborhood. 

Results: There were 121 species, with Lobelia erinus (23.3%) and Clarkia amoena (19.7%) being the most widely used. Of the 54 botanical families represented, the most frequent were Rosaceae (28.5%, 9 species), Campanulaceae (23.7%, 2) and Compositae (20.4%, 18). Herbaceous plants were dominant (70 species), followed by shrubs (43), sapling trees (6), and climbing plant (2). The neighbors manage a larger diversity of plants and native species (92 species /11 native) than the municipality (64/4). The presence of native elements (e.g., Alstroemeria aurea and Fucsia magellanica) holds implications for preservation, while the invasive species (e.g., Hedera helix and Cytisus scoparius) bring risk and should be monitored and controlled. 

Conclusions: It is concluded that the flora in flower beds represents a part of the region’s biocultural landscape, as dynamic backdrops built through time, showing similarities with worldwide selection patterns. 


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How to Cite

Rovere, Adriana. 2022. “Urban Flower Beds As a Part of Bariloche’s Biocultural Landscape: Species Richness and Management Decisions”. Boletín De La Sociedad Argentina De Botánica (Journal of the Argentine Botanical Society 57 (3). https://doi.org/10.31055/1851.2372.v57.n3.37477.