Ornamental Cenchrus (Poaceae) in Argentina: From cultivated to invasive?


  • Lucas M. Carbone Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal (CONICET-UNC)Facultad de Cs. Agropecuarias - UNC https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2571-5905
  • Ana Laura Chiapero Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas – Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Av. Vélez Sarsfield 299. CC 495, CP 5000. Córdoba, Argentina. https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9562-0530
  • Hugo F. Gutierrez Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias, Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Santa Fe - Argentina.
  • Jorge O. Chiapella nstituto de Investigaciones en Biodiversidad y Medioambiente (INIBIOMA- Universidad Nacional del Comahue-Conicet, Quintral 1250, San Carlos de Bariloche, Río Negro, Argentina https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1686-1211




Introduced flora, invasive alien species, naturalization, new record, ornamental grasses, Pennisetum


Background and aims. The introduction of alien plant species for ornamental use represents a risk of invasion for ecosystems. Cenchrus advena, C. longisetus and C. setaceus are grass species introduced as ornamentals and highly cultivated in north-central Argentina, although their status in the invasion process is unknown. In this study, the presence of these three species is recorded, and their taxonomy, nomenclature and morphology are updated. In addition, presence maps and a key to differentiate them from congeners, both native and alien, are presented. The status of the invasion is analyzed and management recommendations are discussed.

M&M: Herbarium specimens and new wild and cultivated plants were studied, and open access online database information were compiled.

Results: We found 158 records of the three species distributed in 11 Argentine provinces, which allowed us to cite C. setaceus for the first time for the Argentine flora. A high proportion of naturalized records of C. setaceus and C. longisetus were found. Both species presented individuals established in disturbed natural environments of Córdoba province, initiating their state of propagation as invasives. Cenchrus advena was only found under cultivation.

Conclusions: The invasive behavior of the grasses C. longisetus and C. setaceus found in Córdoba could be replicating in other provinces due to the high level of cultivation and environmental susceptibility. Therefore, it is urgent to stop their cultivation, monitor naturalized and invasive populations and replace their cultivation with native species within the framework of sustainable objectives and current regulations.


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Author Biography

Lucas M. Carbone, Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal (CONICET-UNC)Facultad de Cs. Agropecuarias - UNC

Investigador Asistente del CONICET en el IMBIV (CONICET-UNC) y Profesor Asistente de Botánica Taxonómica en la Facultad de Cs. Agropecuarias de la UNC.

Córdoba, Argentina


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How to Cite

Carbone, Lucas M., Ana Laura Chiapero, Hugo F. Gutierrez, and Jorge O. Chiapella. 2022. “Ornamental Cenchrus (Poaceae) in Argentina: From Cultivated to Invasive?”. Boletín De La Sociedad Argentina De Botánica (Journal of the Argentine Botanical Society 57 (2). https://doi.org/10.31055/1851.2372.v57.n2.37107.



Ecology and Conservation