Taxonomic and functional diversity of bryophytes in different covers of a Tropical Dry Forest, Córdoba (Colombia).


  • Liliana Peñate Pacheco Universidad de Córdoba
  • Jorge Enrique Gil Novoa Doutorado em Botânica, Escola Nacional de Botánica Tropical - Instituto De Pesquisas Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. y Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia, Facultad de Ciencias, Escuela de Biología, Grupo de Investigación Sistemática Biológico-SisBio, Av. Central Norte, Tunja, Colombia.
  • Merly Yenedith Carillo Fajardo Universidad de Córdoba, Facultad de Ciencias Básicas. Departamento de Biología, Grupo de Investigación Biodiversidad Unicórdoba, Montería, Colombia.



Bryoflora, functional traits, microclimate, substrate, water regulation


Background and Aims: Microclimatic changes resulting from the alterations in the forest structure affect the diversity of sensitive organisms such as bryophytes, the ecological processes in which they participate and their responses to new environments. In this work, the bryoflora and the functional groups associated with water regulation were characterized in different covers of a tropical dry forest: gallery forest-BG, silvopastoral system-SSP and high secondary vegetation-VSA.


M&M: There were nine transects of 0.1 ha (three/coverage) and in each one taxonomic, ecological (substrate epiphytic, epilithic, terrestrial and decomposing organic matter) and functional data (width of the caulidio, length and width of the filidio) were recorded, broad leaf base, hyalodermis and imbrication of filidios)


Results: 19 species are recorded, 15 in VSA,14 in BG and 14 in SSP. The richest families are Fissidentaceae (8 spp) and Lejeuneaceae (3 spp). The substrate with the highest incidence is epiphyte-corticola. Six functional groups were identified, differentiated by the traits: filidio length and width, hyalodermis, and filidio imbrication.


Conclusions: The richness and composition of bryophytes did not show significant differences in the evaluated coverages, possibly due to the homogenization of environmental conditions, product of the history of disturbance to which they have been subjected, therefore, it is important to evaluate other parameters (coverage) and compare with coverages vegetables in a better state of conservation. The functional groups are mainly determined by leaf size traits and are more frequent in the forest (BG and VSA).


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How to Cite

Peñate Pacheco, Liliana, Jorge Enrique Gil Novoa, and Merly Yenedith Carillo Fajardo. 2022. “ Córdoba (Colombia)”. Boletín De La Sociedad Argentina De Botánica (Journal of the Argentine Botanical Society 57 (4).


