Floristic inventory of the natural water reserve “Río Carcarañá” in the municipality of Pueblo Andino (Santa Fe, Argentina)




floristic inventory, Pueblo Andino, Natural Water Reserve "Río Carcarañá", Santa Fe


Background and aims: The Natural Water Reserve "Río Carcarañá", included within the Pampean Phytogeographic Province, is one of the few protected areas in the southern region of Santa Fe province, one which has been profoundly modified by agricultural and cattle activities. Floristic studies within the reserve have been conducted mostly over the area named “El Espinillo”, describing it as a relictual formation of native vegetation related to the Espinal Phytogeographic Province. The objectives of this article are to make a floristic survey within the boundaries of Pueblo Andino town (Iriondo department), to describe the family diversity and, to identify native and exotic species as well as relevant ones due to the phytogeographical context of the study area.
M&M: Field work took place during nine visits made to the area between 2014 and 2021, where specimens were collected in their reproductive stage. All this material was housed at Natural Sciences Museum “Dr. Ángel Gallardo” (MG) of Rosario city, where it was processed, determined and stored.
Results: The examined flora comprises 128 species grouped in 109 genera and 42 families, of which 96 are native and three are considered endemic of Argentina. The
families best represented (considering species richness) were Poaceae, Asteraceae and Fabaceae.
Conclusions: This floristic inventory allows to visualize the relevance of the study area as a suitable habitat for native and characteristic species that are absent in the surrounding croplands


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How to Cite

Pedrero, Eugenia, Mauro Matías Torales, and Germán Saigo. 2022. “Floristic Inventory of the Natural Water Reserve ‘Río Carcarañá’ in the Municipality of Pueblo Andino (Santa Fe, Argentina)”. Boletín De La Sociedad Argentina De Botánica (Journal of the Argentine Botanical Society 57 (1).



Vascular Plants