Synopsis of Randia (Rubiaceae) of Bolivia


  • Roberto Manuel Salas Instituto de Botánica del Nordeste



Basanacantha, dioecy, new species, Randia claesii, Randia tayloriana, taxonomy


Background and aims: Randia is a Neotropical genus with ca. 90 species, belonging to the Gardenieae tribe. Unlike the Central American species, the South American ones remain imperfectly known. The previous taxonomic study of Randia in Bolivia has more than 90 years old, in which were cited only five species, later contributions were regional checklists. The aim of this work is to perform a first taxonomic synopsis of the genus for Bolivia, in continuity with previous studies.

M&M: Classical methods in taxonomy are employed. Living and herbarium materials, original descriptions, and nomenclatural types from the Bolivian species of Randia are studied. Imperfectly known species are fully described, otherwise, are only mentioned their diagnostic characters, and comparisons with morphologically similar taxa. The new species are illustrated too.

Results: Based on the present study, 12 species of Randia occur in Bolivia: Randia altiscandens, R. boliviana, R. calycina, R. micracantha and R. obovata, were previously cited for the country, R. tayloriana and R. claesii are new species, R. mollis is a new combination of Basanacantha mollis, R. oblanceolata is resurrected as a valid species, while R. pubiflora, R. brevituba, and R. nitida are new records for the country. Based on the specimens analysed in the present study, the occurrence of R. armata for Bolivia could not be confirmed until the moment.

Conclusions: This is the first taxonomic treatment of genus Randia in Bolivia after 90 years, which represents a first step in its knowledge, however, the real number of species in the country is underestimated. Numerous specimens remain unstudied and, unfortunately, for the moment are inaccessible.


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Author Biography

Roberto Manuel Salas, Instituto de Botánica del Nordeste

Sargento Cabral 2131 cc. 209. CP. 3400.

Corritentes Capital. Argentina


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How to Cite

Salas, Roberto Manuel. 2021. “Synopsis of Randia (Rubiaceae) of Bolivia”. Boletín De La Sociedad Argentina De Botánica (Journal of the Argentine Botanical Society 56 (4).



Vascular Plants