Traditional ecological knowledge in Sierra de Andía (Navarre, Spain), and its applicability for nature conservation.


  • Luis Gorriz 1Departamento de Biología (Botánica), Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
  • Manuel Pardo-de-Santayana Departamento de Biología (Botánica), Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 28049, Spain



Chamaemelum nobile, conservation, management, Navarra, Spain, traditional ecological knowledge


Background and aims: in the current context of global biodiversity loss, consensus is growing about the importance of incorporating Traditional Ecological Knowledge in nature conservation. However, efforts with this concern have mainly focused on indigenous cultures, leading to little research about the topic in industrialized countries. In this scenario we chose Sierra de Andía, a Spanish Red Natura Site with ancient grazelands where pastoral management shifts could be leading into a conservation issue. In this context, this study aims to contribute to the valorisation and applicability of traditional ecological knowledge from an industrialized country, by using it to identify and propose management solutions for the site. 

M&M: in order to discover traditional knowledge that could be beneficial for conservation management of Sierra de Andía, we interviewed informants about Chamaemelum nobile (a popular medicinal plant closely dependant on grazing pastures) and conducted a pilot vegetation survey about the species. 

Results: informants showed deep knowledge about the plant and provided ecological indicators to locate best populations and understand its recent evolution. While there are multiple coincidences between traditional and scientific knowledge, new information only mentioned by interviewees also arose. For instance, rain scarcity at the end of the summer was considered as a probable threat for C. nobile blooming. 

Conclusions: this study suggests that local ecological knowledge is accurate, contrastable, and can be applied for a more sustainable management of grazing pastures of Sierra de Andía.


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How to Cite

Gorriz, Luis, and Manuel Pardo-de-Santayana. 2021. “ and Its Applicability for Nature Conservation”. Boletín De La Sociedad Argentina De Botánica (Journal of the Argentine Botanical Society 56 (1).


