Morphoanatomic characterization of the "Sarandí blanco" or "Sarã morotí" leaves (Citharexylum amabilis y Citharexylum myrianthum –Verbenaceae–) and its use in the medical ethnobotany of the criollos of the Chaco Humedo Formoseño (Argentina)


  • Leonardo Anconatani Departamento de Farmacología, Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica, Universidad de Buenos Aires,
  • Marcelo L. Wagner Museo de Farmacobotánica “Juan A. Domínguez”, Departamento de Farmacología, Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica, Universidad de Buenos



medical ethnobotany, pharmacobotany, sarã morotí, sarandí blanco


Background and aims: Citharexylum amabilis (Verbenaceae) is a specie used as hypoglycemic in the ethnomedicine of the criollos of the humid northern of Chaco. It is commonly called "Sarandí blanco" or "Sarã morotí" and its leaves are used for medical purposes. There is another specie known as Citharexylum myrianthum (Verbenaceae) that can be used as a substitute of the former. Citharexylum myrianthum can be found in different markets in Formosa and it has the same vernacular name, use and organ employed as Citharexylum amabilis. Due to the absence of morphoanatomic information about the plant organ used in both species, a detailed description of each of them was conducted in order to provide anatomical characteristics that may allow a better identification and microscopic differentiation between the two of them. 

M&M: Ethnobotanical information was collected through semi-structured interviews. Plant material was both, collected and acquired, in a market. The characterization of these materials was performed with anatomical techniques. Results: It is possible to distinguish the leaves of both species mainly due to the presence of single-celled and multicellular simple eglandular trichomes in C. myrianthum and its absence in C. amabilis.

Conclusions: This work becomes the first pharmacobotanical study of the leaves of these species, and the first record of the use of C. amabilis in the medical ethnobotany of northwestern Argentina.


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How to Cite

Anconatani, Leonardo, and Marcelo L. Wagner. 2020. “Morphoanatomic Characterization of the "Sarandí Blanco" or ‘Sarã morotí’ Leaves (Citharexylum Amabilis Y Citharexylum Myrianthum –Verbenaceae–) and Its Use in the Medical Ethnobotany of the Criollos of the Chaco Humedo Formoseño (Argentina)”. Boletín De La Sociedad Argentina De Botánica (Journal of the Argentine Botanical Society 55 (2).



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