Commented list of the climbing and epiphytic vascular plants of the coast of the Río de la Plata at Quilmes and Avellaneda district (Buenos Aires, Argentina).


  • Florencia Dosil Hiriart
  • Pablo A. Cabanillas
  • María José Apodaca
  • Mariana Benedictto
  • Leonel Barral
  • Elián L. Guerrero



Climbers, epiphytes, Quilmes, Río de la Plata region.


Commented list of the climbing and epiphytic vascular plants of the coast of the Río de la Plata at Quilmes and Avellaneda district (Buenos Aires, Argentina). The present study includes the taxonomic richness by biological type of climbing and epiphytic plants of the coastof Quilmes district, with emphasis on the Municipal Reserve “Selva Marginal Quilmeña”. A predominance of native species over exotic ones was found: 6 to 0 of epiphytes and 44 to 12 of climbers. The finding of Sicyos polyacanthus that maintains in the zone its southernmost population is highlighted. It is also relevant the presence of Pleopeltis minima, Araujia angustifolia and Philodendron undulatum that extended their distributions towards the south in recent times. These records, as well as those of several species of difficult discovery in the Río de la Plata coast, accentuate the value of the area for biodiversity conservation. The varied taxonomic composition of the area could be explained in terms of the complex history of expansion/retraction pulses of altered areas and of spontaneous vegetation, with respect to the others, and the location of the studied area within the dispersal route of the Río de la Plata fluvial system.


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How to Cite

Dosil Hiriart, Florencia, Pablo A. Cabanillas, María José Apodaca, Mariana Benedictto, Leonel Barral, and Elián L. Guerrero. 2018. “ Argentina)”. Boletín De La Sociedad Argentina De Botánica (Journal of the Argentine Botanical Society 53 (1):103-13.



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