Arbuscular mycorrhizae and septate endophytes in three species of Thelypteridaceae of riparian environments of the Yungas (Tucumán, Argentina)
Amauropelta, arbuscular mycorrhizae, ferns, fungal endophytes, PelazoneuronAbstract
Background and aims: The status of the presence of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in lycophytes and ferns has been analysed in 11% of them. This work aims to characterise and quantify the AMF colonisation and to characterise septate endophytes present on the roots of the Thelypteridaceae: Amauropelta jujuyensis, A. nubicola, and Pelazoneuron patens.
M&M: Ten individuals per species were collected in August 2022. Conventional staining and techniques were used to estimate colonisation.
Results: The root of Amauropelta jujuyensis, A. nubicola, and Pelazoneuron patens showed AMF with Arum and Paris morphological types simultaneously. The hyphal colonization showed no significant difference among species, arbuscular colonization was significantly higher in A. jujuyensis, while vesicular colonization was considerably higher in A. nubicola. In addition, septate endophytes were evident in the species of the genus Amauropelta.
Conclusion: The association of AMF and other fungal endophytes with the native Argentine Thelypteridaceae Amauropelta jujuyensis, A. nubicola, and Pelazoneuron patens is evidenced for the first time in riparian environments of the Yungas. The coexistence of Arum and Paris morphological types in the three studied fern species is demonstrated.
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