Advances in the study of biodeterioration associated to the presence of lichens on archaeological lithic materials. La Primavera (Santa Cruz, Argentina).


  • Lucia Angelica Magnin
  • Virginia Lynch
  • Renato Gracía



, Biodeterioration, lichens, lithic archaeological artefacts.


Advances in the study of biodeterioration associated to the presence of lichens on archaeological lithic materials. La Primavera (Santa Cruz, Argentina). In this work, the biodeterioration caused by lichens growing on lithic archaeological artifacts from La Primavera was analyzed. The methodology includes observation techniques of low and high magnifications and EDAX analysis. The lichens present were identified and the surfaces of the lithic artifacts where they grow were observed. We identified and analyzed the diversity of species present and recognized four types of bioalterations (micropitting, superficial weathering, internal micro-fractures and superficial micro-fractures). Among the identified morphotypes, which apparently causes the most damage is the crustose endolithic, followed by foliose. The bioalterations registered hinder the observation of the main technological characteristics as well as specific studies on the functionality of the artifacts, what in turn results in information loss. Knowing more in detail how these bioalterations affect the lithic materials is relevant for the archaeological interpretations. Therefore, this work is an important contribution to the study of biodeterioration in lithic artifacts that has not been the subject of specific investigations before.






Original Articles

How to Cite

“Advances in the Study of Biodeterioration Associated to the Presence of Lichens on Archaeological Lithic Materials. La Primavera (Santa Cruz, Argentina)”. 2017. Boletín De La Sociedad Argentina De Botánica (Journal of the Argentine Botanical Society 52 (3): 409-22.