
- New fees to publish in BSAB: free for undergraduate and graduate students, new benefits for members and reviewers .... read more.
- Primary research data: from now on you can deposit your research data in this portal (more information available).
- Users with YAHOO accounts should be aware that this server blocks notifications to editors sent from the OJS platform. It is recommended to log in to your PROFILE and change another account (e.g. gmail). 

                                                     Boletín de la Sociedad Argentina de Botánica Editorial Team

  • New benefits for publishing in the Bulletin


    NOTICE September 2021:

    New fees to publish in BSAB:

    SAB MEMBERS in good standing have the benefit of publishing free of charge in the Bol. Soc. Argent. Bot., with no limit of pages per paper or number of papers per year. Members with dues in arrears must catch up before their work can be published. As of September 1, 2021, it will be sufficient for only ONE AUTHOR to be a member of the SAB, with dues up to date.

    The publication will be completely free if the first author of the paper is a GRADUATE OR POSTGRADUATE STUDENT, regardless of whether the remaining authors are members or not. Proof must be sent.

    In appreciation of the work done by the ARTICLE REVIEWERS, they are offered the publication of an article free of charge, which may be sent up to the year following the evaluation.
    Read more on the web.

    Primary data of your research: from now on you will be able to deposit these data in this portal (more information available in this link).

    Thank you very much to SAB President Mariana Grossi and all the committee for this support to make Argentine science more open to authors!


    Ana Maria Gonzalez

    Chieef of BSAB

    Read more about New benefits for publishing in the Bulletin