
CePIA (Arts Production and Research Center)  

CePIA is a center coordinated by the Faculty of Arts, National University of Córdoba (UNC), aimed at producing research and promoting the production and dissemination of projects that broaden critical knowledge and reflection on the arts. 

Since its creation in 2002, CePIA has achieved a steady growth in artistic research and production as different representatives from the scientific and artistic communities have taken part in the exchange of artistic activities, experiences, and knowledge both inside and outside the university. 

CePIA has the following set of aims and objectives: 

  1. encourage reflection and research on production processes;
  2. foster innovative artistic practices that go beyond traditional genres and mediums and cross disciplinary limits;
  3. expand reflection on the notions of audience, production, and author;
  4. strengthen the existing lines of research and promote the emergence of novel ones by supporting the development of new researchers. 

Moreover, CePIA supports and encourages the dissemination of R&D&I projects by publishing its processes, results, records, documents, and archives (CePIA Abierto) and collaborates with other academic centers, laboratories, institutes, and organizations. 

Further information

Website: https://cepia.artes.unc.edu.ar/ 

Social media: Facebook / Twitter / Instagram / YouTube  

Email: cepia@artes.unc.edu.ar 

Phone number: +54 0351 535-3630 (ext. 56226)

Address: Av. Medina Allende s/n, Ciudad Universitaria, ZIP 5000, Córdoba, Argentina


EdFA (Faculty of Arts Publications)

EdFA is an institutional publisher aimed at the coordination, management, and production of academic publications related to the Faculty of Arts. It collaborates with the different departments, centers, laboratories, and undergraduate and graduate bodies that belong to our faculty. 

EdFA aims at providing editorial coverage to neglected areas of research that focus on particular issues inherent to the different artistic disciplines both within and outside the university. 

In addition, EdFA gathers artistic productions from the Faculty of Arts' different departments, offices, and centers to advance the development of artistic, theoretical, and critical practices and productions. 


Editorial director: Lic. Carina Cagnolo 

Editorial board: 
Prof. Gabriela Yaya 
M.A. Carolina Romano
M.A. Marcela Sgammini 

Further information
Website: https://artes.unc.edu.ar/centros/editorial-de-la-facultad-de-artes/ 
Email: editorial@artes.unc.edu.ar