Ekphrasis as difference in “El Aleph” by Borges





Borges, écfrasis, argentine literature, Aleph, poetics


Based on recent theoretical developments that reformulate the notion of ekphrasis to conceive it as the verbal representation of a visual representation, the paper proposes a reading of the five ekphrasis scenes that make up Borges' “El Aleph”. Although critical readings of this story have pointed out that the duel between Borges and Daneri opposes two conceptions of literature and representation, it has not been noticed that ekphrasis is the terrain in which this dispute takes place and unfolds. In this sense, We contrast the writing of Daneri and Borges of the Aleph as ekphrasis and analyze their problems and paradoxes. On the one hand, we maintain that these ekphrases must be read in relation to the other ekphrases in the story, which allows us to situate them as two formal responses of literature within the framework of the transformations produced by modernization. On the other, we propose that Borges makes his ekphrasis of the Aleph a problem of narrative writing. In this way, it proposes a notion of ekphrasis as a difference, which questions the conception in purely representative terms.


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Author Biography

Joaquín Márquez, University of Buenos Aires

Profesor y Licenciado en Letras por la Universidad de Buenos Aires (FFyL-UBA). Es becario doctoral de la Universidad de Buenos Aires, donde se encuentra realizando el Doctorado en Literatura sobre los usos y abordajes de civilización y barbarie en Borges. Ha participado en congresos y jornadas y publicado artículos en revistas especializadas sobre literatura y estudios literarios. 


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How to Cite

Márquez, J. (2023). Ekphrasis as difference in “El Aleph” by Borges . Artilugio, (9), 166–181. https://doi.org/10.55443/artilugio.n9.2023.42248