Speculative fabulations for a decolonial aesthesis. The tracking of invisibles in the short film Enviado para falsear





Audiovisual, Latin America, Scopic regime, Control technologies, Gloom


In this text we explore the possibility of decolonial aesthesis in Latin American moving image. We work with the notions of speculative fabulation by D. Haraway, the art of tracking invisibles, by V. Despret, and other key categories in the field of visual studies, such as the scopic regime, by M. Jay. Through the analysis of the short film Enviado para falsear, we reflect on the value of the invisibles and the black image as decolonial rhetorical figures of audiovisual practice in Latin America. We consider as a hypothesis that the mode of narration and montage developed in the short film can be thought of as a speculative fable whose procedure is the tracking of invisibles. This operation makes it possible to deconstruct the contemporary modalities of sociality, control and surveillance. The fabrication of other stories about cultural, natural and artificial technologies, allows us to review the inherited positivist paradigms and make new orders of the visible and the sensible emerge. The commitment to a decolonial aesthesis raised in the work, problematizes the Eurocentric scopic regime and in this way, suggests ways of making and seeing images that resist the logic of the luminous unconscious cinematographic.


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Author Biographies

Maia Navas, National University of the Northeast

Realizadora audiovisual, artista visual, curadora, investigadora. Licenciada en Artes y Tecnología por la Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, licenciada en Psicología por la Universidad Católica de Salta y maestranda en Estéticas Contemporáneas Latinoamericanas de la Universidad Nacional de Avellaneda. Docente en la Facultad de Artes, Diseño y Ciencias de la Cultura de la Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. 


Alejandra Reyero, National Scientific and Technical Research Council

Doctora en Artes por la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba; investigadora asistente del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), con lugar de trabajo en el Instituto de Investigaciones Geohistóricas (IIGHI), Conicet/UNNE. Integrante del Núcleo de Estudios y Documentación de la Imagen (Nedim), dependiente del IIGHI-Conicet. Docente en la Facultad de Artes, Diseño y Ciencias de la Cultura de la Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. 


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How to Cite

Navas, M., & Reyero, A. (2023). Speculative fabulations for a decolonial aesthesis. The tracking of invisibles in the short film Enviado para falsear. Artilugio, (9), 60–78. https://doi.org/10.55443/artilugio.n9.2023.42025