Expanded art and practices of non-belonging with meanings that fold in the Cloak-Mount-Map





Contemporaneity, Expanded art, Digital project, Archive, Memory


This article is part of the investigation of contemporary artistic processes, focusing on the agile and dynamic practices that characterize contemporary aesthetics. The expansion of aesthetic explorations through various forms of expression, such as images, photographs, stories, memories, digital media, and documentary texts, is examined. The author reflects on his own artistic production and his participation in the Media Production of the Arts workshop at the National University of Art, as well as exploring the role of memory and tradition in contemporary art through the experience of working with cloaks tehuelches, a textile object built by women in Argentine Patagonia. The article builds on previous research and analyzes the perspectives of different scholars in relation to cartography, archiving, and materiality in art.


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Author Biography

Marisa Andrea Mansilla, National University of the Arts

Licenciada en Artes Visuales por la Universidad  Nacional de Arte (UNA) (2000). Actualmente cursa la Especialización en Textos Críticos y de Difusión Mediática de las Artes con media beca de la misma universidad. Desarrolla su actual investigación entre los cruces de la antropología y las artes, con un trabajo de campo sobre los mantos rituales tehuelches, con la tesis titulada "Mitologías del cuero"(2000) y la muestra de muñecas "Guardianas" (2008). Realizó un trabajo de campo en la comunidad tehuelche de Camusu Aike, con una beca de viaje (2016) para el proyecto visual "Que vuelvan las Capas" (Río Gallegos, Santa Cruz. Fondo Argentino de Desarrollo Cultural y Creativo, Línea Movilidad).


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How to Cite

Mansilla, M. A. (2023). Expanded art and practices of non-belonging with meanings that fold in the Cloak-Mount-Map. Artilugio, (9), 46–59. https://doi.org/10.55443/artilugio.n9.2023.42024