Entanglements: scientific visualization of life in Irene Kopelman’s art practice





Contemporary art, Drawing, Microbiology, Anthropocene


This article deals with a zone among the multiple relations between art and science: the use of a resource towards the scientific visualization of living organisms in Irene Kopelman’s art practice. On the basis of a series of considerations about the art practice as thought, the projects Reconstructing Time (2005) and Underwater Workstation (2016), are analyzed taking into account the montage with cases of scientific visualization. The aim is to understand the shifts and interventions being activated by the art practices. The iconographic, stylistic and material choices of the drawing are observed. The modelling and museum design alter the nature of the scientific visualization of the living issue. Likewise, the time dimension in the scientific and artistic doing identifies an issue: a historical time as well as a deep and geological time. The mangle roots and entanglement figures give access to the idea of surviving and at the same time continuing the interspecies coexistence matter in the planet. 


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Author Biography

Paula Bruno Garcén, University of Buenos Aires

Magister en Curaduría en Artes Visuales (UNTREF), Licenciada y Profesora en Artes (UBA), estudiante del Doctorado en Teoría e Historia de las Artes (UBA). Integra el Grupo de Historia y Epistemología de las Cartografías y las Imágenes Técnicas (GHECIT) y es becaria doctoral en el Instituto de Geografía (UBA). Sus principales líneas de investigación son los espectáculos y prácticas artísticas que involucran imágenes técnicas y visualización científica.


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How to Cite

Bruno Garcén, P. (2023). Entanglements: scientific visualization of life in Irene Kopelman’s art practice. Artilugio, (9), 28–45. https://doi.org/10.55443/artilugio.n9.2023.42023