A Sensorial Rainforest. Haptic Spatiality in Ernesto Neto's installations





Textile and Installation Art, Amerindian communities, Ernesto Neto, Sensoriality, Natural Space


In this article I study some sculptures and interactive-tactile installations of Brazilian artist Ernesto Neto in light of contributions on hapticity and affect from the field of “Affective Turn”, and considering how some art practices see themselves as a “cure” in a natural environment in crisis. By using everyday materials and techniques such as aromatic spices, synthetic threads, textiles, and crochet, Neto's sculptural installations invite a sensory experience that involves different modes of perception/immersion. At the crossroads between sculpture, installation and textile art, his works challenge the viewer to invert the hierarchy between the senses of sight, smell and touch, at the same time that the collaborative nature of the work produces a physical experience that actively influences the relationship between the participants. This affective and performative component of the haptic and spatial practices in Neto's works is central to the articulation of “new ways of being in the world” that are more empathic with the environment, and with the universe of the living.


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Author Biography

Irene Depetris Chauvin, National Scientific and Technical Research Council

Investigadora en el CONICET y miembro de SEGAP (Seminario sobre Género, Afectos y Política). Ha publicado artículos que abordan imaginarios urbanos, las dimensiones políticas y afectivas de la memoria, subjetividades musicales y representaciones de juventud, cultura de mercado y afecto en el cine y la narrativa de los años noventa. Es autora de Geografías afectivas. Desplazamientos, prácticas espaciales y formas de estar juntos en el cine de Argentina, Chile y Brasil (2020). Ha también coeditado, junto a Natalia Taccetta, Afectos, historia y cultura visual. Una aproximación indisciplinada (2019) y, con Macarena Urzúa, Más allá de la naturaleza. Imaginarios geográficos en la literatura y el arte latinoamericano reciente (2019).


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How to Cite

Depetris Chauvin, I. (2022). A Sensorial Rainforest. Haptic Spatiality in Ernesto Neto’s installations. Artilugio, (8), 90–107. https://doi.org/10.55443/artilugio.n8.2022.38638