Image retrieving flow. Three episodes of Argentine contemporary art




Argentinian art, Contemporary art, Originality, Archive, Imagined theory


This article aims to delimit an area for aesthetic experimentation in the field of Argentinian art in the last decades. We propose three scenes: Sistema Copiador (2020), by Hernán Camoletto, A la sombra de un granado en flor and Trabajos prácticos (2021), by Leticia Obeid, and an untitled piece by Verónica Meloni exhibited in 2018. We take them as a starting point, asking these questions: How can we decide if these images are contemporary or not? Where do they stray from their actuality and how do they come along at the present? To explore these questions, we analyze the mentioned poetics from three perspectives. First, as image retrieving flows. Then, as artworks that create citation networks. Finally, as ways of revitalizing culture archives. From there, we move forward to make up the horizon of what we propose to call an imagined theory.


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Author Biography

Paula La Rocca, National Scientific and Technical Research Council

Licenciada en Letras por la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Actualmente cursa el Doctorado en Letras en la misma Universidad con una beca de Conicet. Trabaja en el Instituto de Humanidades (IDH) en el área de la estética y la crítica. Desarrolla su actual investigación sobre la relación entre visualidad y escritura en poéticas contemporáneas. Es Profesora Adscripta de la cátedra Elementos para una teoría del arte en la Facultad de Artes (UNC) y de la cátedra de Hermenéutica de la Escuela de Letras en la Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades (UNC). 


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How to Cite

La Rocca, P. (2022). Image retrieving flow. Three episodes of Argentine contemporary art. Artilugio, (8), 29–42.