“We Are United, Not by Love, but by Fright": Re-mapping the Argentine Theater Scene During the Last Dictatorship


  • Lorena Verzero Universidad de Buenos Aires / Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET) https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0267-8467




Mapping, Dictatorship, Performing Arts, Metaphor


The following article reflects on shared elements among diverse experiences in the Argentine theater scene during the last civic-military dictatorship through two lenses: an aesthetic lens and a sociological lens. With the latter, we advance an expanded cartography of scenic practices that took place in the city of Buenos Aires, as well as a conceptualization of “mapping,” a review of the theater histories that have legitimized a particular canon, and a handmade cartography that includes all the experiences. This new map includes varied experiences, confirming the hypothesis that—contrary to canonical sense— the practices of intervention, resistance, activist, and/or clandestine practices mostly took place in the same areas of the city as the theater that occupied the center of the field. Our second hypothesis concerns aesthetics and argues that metaphor is, perhaps, the most frequently shared resource among these counter-establishment practices. In theater, the use of metaphor has long been studied as a mode of indirect resistance during several twentieth-century dictatorships, but it is often thought that activism, unlike theater, resorts to more direct language. Questioning this assumption, we propose the hypothesis that the central theater in the field and activist interventions share the use of metaphor as a privileged aesthetic resource to avoid censorship and persecution.


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Author Biography

Lorena Verzero, Universidad de Buenos Aires / Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET)

Investigadora Adjunta del CONICET, Directora del Programa de Posgrado en Arte y Política en América Latina (Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, UBA), Profesora Titular de Semiología en UBA XXI y del Seminario de Elaboración de Tesis, Maestría en Teatro (Facultad de Arte, UNICEN). Es Doctora en Historia y Teoría de las Artes, UBA; Magíster en Humanidades, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid; Licenciada y Profesora en Letras, UBA. Se especializa en las relaciones entre prácticas escénicas, política y sociedad en la historia reciente de América Latina, y en los estudios sobre memorias teatrales. Coordina el Grupo de Estudios sobre Teatro contemporáneo, política y sociedad en América Latina (IIGG-UBA). Recientemente editó Mutis por el foro: Artes escénicas y política en tiempos de pandemia, junto con Lola Proaño Gómez (ASPO, 2020) y Ciudades performativas: Prácticas artísticas y políticas de (des)memoria en Buenos Aires, Berlín y Madrid (Clacso-IIGG, 2020), junto con Pietsie Feenstra. 


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How to Cite

Verzero, L. (2021). “We Are United, Not by Love, but by Fright": Re-mapping the Argentine Theater Scene During the Last Dictatorship. Artilugio, (7), 335–353. https://doi.org/10.55443/artilugio.n7.2021.34560