What to do? Rehearsal Map N° 1. Weaving between maps, territories and archives





Performance, Map, Territory, Archive, Arachnid


This article is an invitation to think, from writing, the process of making a performance, in which I develop some ideas that interweave the concepts of maps, territories and archives. This weaving brings together, in a back and forth through the terrain of memories, a series of experiences of my artistic production carried out between 2013 and 2019, some linked to performance art and others to the order of the familiar. The arachnid mode and the idea of event allowed me to deploy, in a trace, these productions. In each performance I set up devices that I call maps, in which I manipulate objects and materials that are remnants and souvenirs of something that happened at another time, and that make up something similar to an archive. I try to elaborate an interweaving between the experience of writing and that of making the performance.


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Author Biography

María Julia Tamagnini, Escuela Superior de Bellas Artes Martín Santiago

Licenciada en Pintura. Actualmente cursa la Especialización en Estudios de Performances de la Facultad de Artes de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Trabaja como docente en la Escuela Superior de Bellas Artes Martín Santiago en la ciudad de Deán Funes, Córdoba. Integra el colectivo de arte y activismo drag Tarde Marika desde 2017. Participó de numerosas muestras colectivas. https://issuu.com/juliatamagnini/docs/portfolio_artistico-julia_tamagnini


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How to Cite

Tamagnini, M. J. (2021). What to do? Rehearsal Map N° 1. Weaving between maps, territories and archives. Artilugio, (7), 67–80. https://doi.org/10.55443/artilugio.n7.2021.34547