Elemental. Musical poetics of a mountain





Sound Art, Electronic Music, Generative Art, Electronic Art, Ecology


Elemental is a site-specific sound intervention that proposed a ritual of invocation of the elements at the base of the El Portezuelo mountain in Catamarca (Argentina). It is based on a digital system that captures parameters of the environment and composes electronic music in real time, based on the information detected. Part of the results were recorded during the intervention and later edited with a format of small generative musical pieces, thus forming a sound memory of the experience.


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Author Biography

Martín Matus Lerner, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes

Músico electrónico y artista sonoro. Docente e investigador. Magister en Tecnología y Estética de las Artes Electrónicas (UNTREF). Licenciado en Composición con Medios Electroacústicos por la Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. En esta casa de estudios actualmente se desempeña como director de la Maestría en Arte Sonoro y del Proyecto de Investigación “Desarrollos tecnológicos aplicados a las artes”.


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How to Cite

Matus Lerner, M. (2021). Elemental. Musical poetics of a mountain. Artilugio, (7), 411–421. https://doi.org/10.55443/artilugio.n7.2021.34378