Theatres, memoirs and archives. Counter-stories


  • Gabriela Macheret Universidad Nacional de Córdoba



evanescent arts, memories, device, archives, event


     This article approaches the complex links between archives, theaters and memories as concepts capable of configuring particular and problematic devices. The intersections within this triad force us to reflect on each of them in their singularity, and at the same time, to re-think them based on the tensions they establish in their juxtapositions, in their irreducibility. The relations they inaugurate involve both time (in a plural sense) and the way we situate ourselves “in” history. Theaters and archives, although inseparably linked to memories, hold a contradictory relationship between them. On the one hand, they may be considered as necessarily intertwined; on the other, we here verify the alien relations they hold. From this point of view, any possible agreement implies partially giving up their own conditions, which is the reason why these “pacts” are precariously made.


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Author Biography

Gabriela Macheret, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Licenciada en Teatro. Doctoranda en Artes. Profesora del Centro de Estudios Avanzados. Integrante del Programa Nuevos Frutos de las Indias Occidentales (Estudios de la cultura latinoamericana), Cea (Centro de Estudios Avanzados) UNC (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba). Actriz concursada del Elenco Estable de la Comedia Cordobesa, Provincia de Córdoba, Argentina. 


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How to Cite

Macheret, G. (2020). Theatres, memoirs and archives. Counter-stories. Artilugio, (6), 99–112.


