Between mask, body and scene.

Unmasking the birth of a play


  • Julián Glave Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
  • Valentina Goldraij Universidad Nacional de Córdoba



performing arts, mask, subjectivity, experimentation, creative process


The text thoughtfully explores the progress of meanings rhizomatically expanded throughout the rehearsals of a project, “Opaque and Neutral Masks: from the self-cognitive training to the composition of scenic material”. The aim of this work is to look into the ways ideas and emotions that are part of the play in process were twisted and turned. It exposes the dialogue between the apparent expressive rigidity of mask and incitement on a stage that oscillates between what is to be expected and what is alarming, what is banal and what is spectacular, what is human and what is animal, what is permanent and what is ephemeral. More than a review, in this text we inquire into the creative process of a theatrical event that overflows the standards of stage and verbal languages, the idea of direction as something omnipotent, the script as a complete fact that must be closely followed, the work as a product of a creative genius, someone inspired and in solitude, and the mask as a concealing device. Here, the writing process does not have the purpose of establishing a completed knowledge, being witness of a concluded subjectivity. It follows the trail of an experimentation that finds in its threshold a porous and productive limit into which the meanings that seemed unmutable can be poured. 


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Author Biographies

Julián Glave, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Antropólogo sin diploma, poeta inédito, lector apasionado. Julián es un cazador de misterios urbanos que disfruta de la comida, los afectos y las películas. Ha obtenido una beca CIN, como integrante del grupo “Dédalus: investigaciones sobre la técnica” en la cual trabaja la relación entre imágenes técnicas, narrativas visuales y capturas aéreas a través de drones en la ciudad de Córdoba. Ha colaborado como ayudante alumno en varias cátedras de la Licenciatura en Antropología de la Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades y es miembro del Equipo de Comunicación del CePIA. 

Valentina Goldraij, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Profesora de Letras y Correctora Literaria egresada de la UNC. Es docente de Lengua y Literatura del Nivel Medio en Córdoba. Participa como adscripta en la cátedra de Enseñanza de la Literatura y en el Equipo de Comunicación del CePIA. Como estudiante avanzada de la Licenciatura en Letras Modernas continúa su formación orientada a la investigación en el área de estudios críticos del discurso con particular interés en los estudios de género y la filosofía contemporánea.





How to Cite

Glave, J., & Goldraij, V. (2020). Between mask, body and scene.: Unmasking the birth of a play. Artilugio, (6), 204–213.


