About the Journal

Artilugio is an open-access e-journal that addresses diversity in the contemporary arts through the integration of the performing, visual, audiovisual, and sound arts, as well as through performance art, artivism, and action art, among other liminal practices. The journal’s main interest lies in interdisciplinary, transdisciplinary, and indisciplinary practices and in the different approaches adopted in the study of contemporary arts. 

Artilugio is coordinated by the Arts Production and Research Center (CePIA) of the Faculty of Arts, National University of Córdoba (UNC), and calls for original and unpublished academic essays, artistic productions, and artistic projects. Our journal engages artists, researchers, critics, and theorists in discussions with the academic and artistic communities and with the general public interested in artistic and cultural practices. 

Artilugio accepts the submission of original works from local and international authors written in Spanish or Portuguese (abstracts and keywords must be translated into English). While works under “Reflexiones” and “Dossier” are subject to a double-blind peer review process, those under “Indeterminación” are subject to a single-blind review process. 

ARTILUGIO has been indexed in the following databases, directories, and international networks: Latindex (Catalog 2.0), Núcleo Básico, REDIB, CORE, ERIH PLUS, BASE, PKP Index, EuroPub, ROAD, DRJI, I2OR, RevistasAA.net, ICI World of Journals, Latinoamericana Revistas, MIAR, DARDO, Modern Language Association, LatAm-Studies, Advanced Sciences Index, CiteFactor, JournalTOCs, SIUBDU, Biblioteca Electrónica de Ciencia y Tecnología, Mirabel, LatinREV, Sherpa-Romeo, Malena (CAICyT-CONICET), AURA. Artilugio is also under evaluation for indexing in other databases and directories.

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