Return, reconstruction and recognition of the landscape through the photographic project


  • Alicia Palacios-Ferri Universitat Politècnica de València



Landscape, Territory, Photography, Documental, Intimism


My gaze has been educated through a flat, changing and infinite landscape. However, I was not able to see the historical and cultural value of the landscape until I left there. Living far away from my hometown gave me the possibility to look at it from an external perspective. In the present document I talk about the birth and the process of an intimate and documentary photographic project; which allowed me to rebuild my gaze towards the territory that I had always inhabited. In addition, several photographs that conform the project, entitled LAND. Valencian landscape in the Guadalquivir, are showed.


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Author Biography

  • Alicia Palacios-Ferri, Universitat Politècnica de València

    Sevilla, 1995. Estudia Bellas Artes en la Universidad de Sevilla, se traslada a Valencia para estudiar el Máster en Fotografía, Arte y Técnica y el Máster de Producción Artística de la UPV, donde continúa vinculada realizando una tesis doctoral. Sus intereses giran en torno al paisaje, la naturaleza, el género y el cine; se plasman en su producción artística y en sus trabajos de investigación.


Palacios-Ferri, A. (2021). Retorno, reconstrucción y reconocimiento del paisaje a través del proyecto fotográfico. Artilugio Revista, (7). Recuperado de:



How to Cite

Return, reconstruction and recognition of the landscape through the photographic project. (2021). Artilugio, 7, 399-410.