Student revolts in São Paulo: uprising of youth and the representation of bodies in films about secondary occupations
body, youths, upraise, curriculumAbstract
In 2015, in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, thousands of high school students occupied their schools against a project to reorganize the educational system that called for the change of schools of 311,000 students and 74,000 teachers, and the closure of 93 schools in the state. This article is about the counter-hegemonic movement that were secondary school occupations in São Paulo, Brazil, in 2015, based on the representation of students' bodies in images produced by themselves and by others, used in documentary films. We will analyze the images of the uprising gestures of these bodies that starred in the secondary school occupations from two films that present different narratives of the period: Lute como uma menina (2016), by Beatriz Alonso and Flavio Colombini, Espero Tua (Re) Volta (2019), by Eliza Capai.
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