What is a Legume and How are Legumes Classified? An Update for High School and University Level Students

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Emiliano Foresto


This article aims to answer various questions about the Fabaceae or Leguminous family, due to its importance in any botanical program for undergraduate students at university level or high school students with an agricultural or biological orientation. In this last decade there has been a paradigm shift around the phylogeny and classification of legumes due to recent molecular studies that appear with greater relevance in the field of Taxonomy. The objectives of this work are to present and debate the current constituency of the concepts and generalities of the “legumes” and to show the recent changes in the field of phylogeny and classification of this group of plants. It is expected that this material can serve as a support for teachers and students and as an example of the dynamics of knowledge advancement in science.


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Foresto, E. (2021). What is a Legume and How are Legumes Classified? An Update for High School and University Level Students. Journal of Biology Education, 24(1), 27–38. https://doi.org/10.59524/2344-9225.v24.n1.28158


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