Apoptosis, Physiological Cell Death, Historical Review and Current Status

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María Beatriz Espinosa


The concept of Programmed Cell Death (PCD) has been used since 1951, and
the idea of the physiological cell death and the term apoptosis was established in 1972.
Apoptosis occurs in embryonic cells at specific times and it is crucial for the embryos
development. The tissues are remodeled by cell death under genetic control and without
damaging the surrounding tissues. If the normal mitosis/apoptosis rate is altered during
tissue formation, birth defects may appear. The physiological meaning of PCD is different
from necrosis. While necrosis is accidental and damaged cells are removed from the tissues
using the inflammatory process, apoptosis is a metabolic pathway and has evolved in life
organisms because it is necessary for morphogenesis and differentiation in specialized and
complex tissues. In this work we review the understanding of apoptosis for the past 42


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How to Cite
Espinosa, M. B. (2014). Apoptosis, Physiological Cell Death, Historical Review and Current Status. Journal of Biology Education, 17(1), (pp. 153–159). https://doi.org/10.59524/2344-9225.v17.n1.22425
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