The Continuing Education of Science Teachers: Teaching Constitution by Reflexive Narrative

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Janice Silvana Novakowski Kierepka
Roque Ismael da Costa Güllich


The aim of this work is to understand the formative potential of the process of research-action that takes place based on the formative reflection, in a collaborative context and/or individual one, guided, especially by the log book. The research subjects were teachers of Science from the basic education of Cerro Largo/RS, who developed their continuing education in a Study and Research Group characterized by a process of collaborative formation by means of research-action. The results obtained built grasp of the importance of continuing education, as we can see in the narratives of teachers’ advances in the constitution of their formation by reflection. The research-action is presented as a component of autonomy, of teaching knowledge and so, of Science education.


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How to Cite
Kierepka, J. S. N., & Güllich, R. I. da C. (2013). The Continuing Education of Science Teachers: Teaching Constitution by Reflexive Narrative. Journal of Biology Education, 16(2), (pp. 56–66).
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