Scientists, journalists and the public: three protagonists in the public communication of science

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María Ruina


This work provides some directions for teachers to improve the image of science that is frequently transmitted in classrooms.For this, a sequence of activities are presented, wich are directed to High School students. The work focuses on one of theaspects less or almost never dealt with in relation to the conceptualization of science: the public communication of science.We consider that it is necessary that students understand that journalists are not the only stakeholders in charge of theperception of science that the public has. Instead, the image of science is the result of complex relations where the interestsof several sectors of the society take part, including the scientists ?s interests.


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How to Cite
Ruina, M. (2010). Scientists, journalists and the public: three protagonists in the public communication of science. Journal of Biology Education, 13(2), (pp. 46–51).
Experiencias Educativas
Author Biography

María Ruina

Universidad Nacional de General San Martín – Argentina