Responses of plants and lichens as bioindicators

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C. Estrabou


General concepts about air pollution. atmosphere asid types and eftects of pollutants are presented in tbis paper, with special focu.s on the case of the City of Córdoba (Argentina). Detailed descriptions of the rnost
common pollutant actions in urban atmosphere on planta asid lichens are given. Finaily, a simple qualitative
scale (based on coverage asid presence of lichens) to estimare air quality is presentad.

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How to Cite
Estrabou, C. (1999). Responses of plants and lichens as bioindicators. Journal of Biology Education, 2(1), 31-39.
Revisiones y Comentarios

How to Cite

Estrabou, C. (1999). Responses of plants and lichens as bioindicators. Journal of Biology Education, 2(1), 31-39.


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