Some foundations of educational and investigative decisions in didactics of science: a contribution to the reflection of biology teachers

Main Article Content

C. Peme-Aranega.



The article deals with the thrcc standing paradigma in Social Sciences, which are the basis br educational
research: the pusitivist paradigm, the symbolic-interpretative, and the critical. It makes an anlysis of the
fundamental principies of each one: the theoretical supports received; the purposes, the niethodologies. the
techniques and (lic instrumenis; the norms and the rules of research; the assumptions about knowledge; and
the considerations about the relationship between the scienlific knowledge and the social practice -that are
transferred, in the area of Education, in interactions between the Lheory and the educational practice, and
between the researcher (scientific) and the practitioner (teacher). Tite purpose of the article it ro present
sume analysis' elements tu allow the Science Teaching researchers (in front of the simultaneous existence
of the three paradigms) tu think about diiferent altematives of work and tu adopt consclouS and founded
postures for their actions. The article remarks that the future researches need not only a solid fonustion, but
also a perrnanent research practice.

Article Details

How to Cite
Peme-Aranega. , C. (1999). Some foundations of educational and investigative decisions in didactics of science: a contribution to the reflection of biology teachers. Journal of Biology Education, 2(1), 10-19.
Author Biography

C. Peme-Aranega. , Departamento de Enseñanza de la Ciencia y la Tecnología. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Físicas y Naturales. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Repuiblica Argentina. Fax N° 54-351-4332097.


How to Cite

Peme-Aranega. , C. (1999). Some foundations of educational and investigative decisions in didactics of science: a contribution to the reflection of biology teachers. Journal of Biology Education, 2(1), 10-19.


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