An integrative didactic experience of physics and biology.

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R., Sbarato
L. Iparraguirre
O. Trettel,
M. Rubio
H. Juri
O. Evequoz


This pt-oposal suggests an activity in the ares of the Natural Sciences that integrates Physica and Biology due
ro the singular possibilities of the circulatct-y system, and with apecial emphasis co the imthodological aspects
of the didactic process. This work was developed by an interdisciplinary team and denia with the main mechanical aspects of the drculatory system. They are developed didacticaily, talcing the trealmant of problematic situations as a methodological axis. The activitíes are designed so that the student's previous knowledge is usad and reconstructed signiflcantly. This proposal is alied in a training ccorse for Physics Teadiers.
Here, we prosear the facts that took place and the discussion of the final resulta, which we consider successful.

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How to Cite
Sbarato, R., Iparraguirre, . L., Trettel, O., Rubio, M., Juri, H., & Evequoz, O. (1999). An integrative didactic experience of physics and biology. Journal of Biology Education, 2(2), 27-31.
Propuestas, innovaciones y desarrollos

How to Cite

Sbarato, R., Iparraguirre, . L., Trettel, O., Rubio, M., Juri, H., & Evequoz, O. (1999). An integrative didactic experience of physics and biology. Journal of Biology Education, 2(2), 27-31.


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